09 Nov Eco Dyeing Workshop with Rhyl Henzell
Event Phone: (07) 3286 5360
Eco Dyeing Workshop with Rhyl Henzell
June 21, 2025 - June 22, 2025
9:30 am - 4:00 pm
Join Rhyl Henzell in this two-day Eco Dyeing workshop and create some beautiful art papers. Embellish these papers and create beautiful artworks on day two.
Eco printing is the art of extracting colour, shapes and patterns from the tannins (Natural dyes) in plants and vegetables. You’ll be experimenting with fresh and dried flowers and leaves.
With demonstrations, discussion and a hands on approach you’ll have time to experiment, play and enjoy the serendipity of this fabulous printmaking process.
Start collecting now in preparation for the workshop:
Red and brown onion skins. Collect in separate bags.
Avocado seeds and skins. Scrub clean and store in freezer.
Small pinecones, coloured bark (small bits.)
Large rusty tins (dog food size). Paint with vinegar and leave out in the weather. These will be used to wrap the work around for the iron effect.
Minimum of 2x Full Size Sheets Watercolour Paper 300gsm (Arches or Saunders & Waterford)
Some Glass (not plastic) beads to pin on to your work for ID purposes and small safety pins.
A roll of kitchen string – cotton, not synthetic.
A 2B Carbon pencil
Pair of Scissors
Aprox 12x Stainless steel, wood or plastic pegs – To hang our work out to dry. Not rustable bulldog clips.
1x Roll of paper towel.
1x Pair Rubber gloves
Small, old hand towels.
A notebook and pen to keep records of successes etc.
Here is a list of plants that Rhyl has used successfully… please bring any you can get hold of for the day…reasonably fresh works best with most.
Eucalyptus leaves (many types) also tiny seeds and flowers…spinning gum.
Grevillia flowers and leaves.
Cotton tree leaves…with or without holes.
Maple, liquid amber, grape vine leaves.
Ferns, maiden hair, strawberry and rose leaves.
Geranium leaves…all varieties, pelargoniums.
She oak leaves, parsley, and other small, leafed herbs.
Purple leafed azalea.
Bottle brush, leaves and flowers.
Wild raspberry leaves.
Marigold flowers, and leaves.
Petunias, allamanda, hibiscus flowers especially red.
Chrysanthemum, daisies.
Cassia flowers and leaves.
Mock orange leaves.
Dandelions, carrot tops.
Turmeric root and powder.
Beetroot, blueberries, star anise and red cabbage.
And the list can go on…if you wish to experiment, please bring other flowers and leaves from your garden. Look for colour and shape and preference non-toxic plants.
For day 2…
Participants may choose to keep exploring and producing eco prints or have a go at embellishing some of the ones you did on day 1.
If so you will need to bring a small watercolour set, pallet, water tub, round brushes 4, 6 & 8.
Uni pin fine liner 0.1, 0.5 in light grey, dark grey, sepia and black.
1x Uni Ball white pigmented ink pen.
WHEN: Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd June 2025, 9.30am-4pm
COST: $395
Venue: Rhyl Henzell's Studio
32 Egret Drive
Victoria Point