17 Dec Term 3: Watercolour Classes with David Wells
Event Phone: (07) 3286 5360
Term 3: Watercolour Portraits (Morning Class)
July 13, 2023 - August 10, 2023
9:30 am - 11:30 am -
Term 3: Watercolour Portraits (Evening Class)
July 13, 2023 - August 10, 2023
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Introduction to Portraits in Watercolour
This 5x week course describes painting portraits in watercolour in clearly explained, achievable steps. You will be using a combination of washes, layering and dry brush techniques to create individual artworks and explore personal expression, within a carefully structured class. Morning or Evening Classes available.
WHEN: Thursday 13th July – Thursday 10th August 2023, 9.30am-11.30am OR 7pm-9pm
COST: $250 (+ Online Booking Fee) for 5x 2-hour weekly classes
Materials List:
Watercolour Brushes.
David uses a Winsor & Newton squirrel quill, 2 flats ¼ and 1/8 inch (4), and a “000” detail brush.
Not essential people have exactly the same, please bring whatever brushes you have and love.
– A water pot
– Palette for mixing colour
– A rag
– A pad of watercolour paper for testing colours (ideally Arches 300 GSM)
David will supply Watercolour Paints, Winsor & Newton and Schmincke
– Ivory Black
– Paynes Grey
– Burnt Umber
– Caput Mortuum
– English Venetian Red
– Gold brown
– Magnesium Brown
– Quinacridone Gold
Venue: Shore Studio
Venue Phone: (07) 3286 5360
Venue Website: https://shorestudio.com.au/
Shore Studio is located at:
3 Shore Street East, Cleveland QLD