Louise Saunders Pastel Orchid Materials List


This Materials Kit contains all the materials required for Louise Saunders’ Orchids in the Spotlight Pastel Workshop on 2nd & 3rd October 2021.

1x Ampersand Pastelbord White (40.6 x 50.8 mm / 16 x 20″)

Art Spectrum Pastels

Titanium White P 500

Bordeaux P 513

Bordeaux N 513

Crimson X 512

Crimson P 512

Warm Grey X 584

Raw Umber N 550

Warm White P 501

Greenish Umber N 579

Naples Yellow P 542

Rich Beige – Colour Fix

Golden Yellow V 509

Spectrum Yellow P 504

Phthalo Green D 570

Phthalo Blue N 530

Australian Grey

Yellow Green T 572

Green Grey N 574

Australian Leaf Green Dark P 576

Australian Leaf Green Light V 509


Faber-Castell Pitt Pastel Pencils – 192, 193, 199

Derwent Pastel Pencil – P220 Burgundy

Full Colour Source Image (40.6 x 50.8 mm / 16 x 20″)